【英语论文范文】快乐英语第五册《Unit4 Lesson19》教学设计


本单元话题围绕天气情况展开,重点学习描述天气及选择穿着的交际用语。本课是该单元的第一课。教学重点是cool, cold, hot, warm四个单词及句型It will be cool tomorrow. Can I wear …? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.的应用。


1、学生通过课件呈现、对话交流等形式,能听、说、读四个cool, cold, hot, warm单词,并能正确书写。

2、学生根据教师创设的情境能够理解并运用It will be cool tomorrow. Can I wear …? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.句型。




本课时的教学重点是cool, cold, hot, warm四个单词在句型中的灵活运用。


1、短语go hiking , weather report 的理解和运用。

2、It will be cool tomorrow. Can I wear …? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.句型的运用。






Step 1:Warming up

1. Greetings

2. Sing an English song

3: Free Talk

T: Hello, I’m Lisa. What’s your name? S: My name is …

T: What day is today? S: It’s .. today.

The teacher shows some words. T:Let’ s have a review.

The students read the word.

T:You did a good job!

Today we are going to learn Lesson 19.

Step 2:Presentation

Ⅰ、Teaching the new words and new sentences.

T: Hello, boys and girls. What a lovely day! Are you happy?

Ss: Yes.

T: What’s the weather like today? (引领学生说出今天的天气)

T: Yes ,It’s cool.(教读cool并出示课件显示气温凉爽的图片)

T: Read after me.(反复教读练习)

T: What’s the weather like tomorrow? Do you know ? Let’s listen to the weather report.(课件播放天气预报)

It will be cold tomorrow.please put on your coat.

T: Oh, It will be cold tomorrow,read after me ,cold .(击掌读单词)

T: It will be cold tomorrow.Can I wear my sweater?(引导学生说Yes, you can./No, you can’t.)

T: How about the weather in sping?

Ss: warm (温暖)



T: Today is hot.Can I wear my dress?

Ss: Yes, you can.

出示课件练习对话。It will be… tomorrow.Can I wear…? Yes, you can./No,you can’t.

T: Let’s have a chant together.

Warm ,warm , sping is warm.

Hot, hot , summer is hot.

Cool ,cool, autumn is cool.

Cold ,cold , winter is cold.

Ⅱ、Teaching the dialogue

Here is about Bob’s trip. What’ s the weather like tomorrow? What does Bob like to wear?

(1) Listen to the tape. (Only listen)

(2) T: OK. Read after me.

(3) Now this time, read by yourselves. You can read loudly.

(4) T: Who wants to read this dialogue? …Good job!

(5)Teaching the difficult phrases: go hiking , weather report

(6)T: Who can answer my questions? What’ s the weather like tomorrow? What does Bob like to wear? What’ s the weather like tomorrow? What does Bob like to wear?

…Good job!

Step 3:Consolidation

(1) Discuss in groups of four. Try to make a dialogue to talk about the weather and you want to wear.

(2) Act in groups.

T: Let’s do some exercises. Look at the screen. Choose,please.

Step 4:Summary

T: Look at the blackboard. In this lesson, we’ve learnt four words and two sentences.

Step 5:Homework

1. Copy the four words three times;

2. Read the text.



cool cold hot warm

It will be cool tomorrow.

Can I wear …? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.

上一篇 2014年11月24日
下一篇 2014年11月24日


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